Monday, March 21, 2011

Nutrition 101: The Basics

Nutrition is something often overlooked by individuals trying to achieve a fit and healthy lifestyle. With so many fast food restaurants at ones disposal, it is no wonder why America has a case of the "Expanding Waistline." Many make the inaccurate assumption that exercise is where most results come from, not realizing that nutrition accounts for 80% of results, and exercise is just the icing on the cake. Texas adults hold a jaw dropping 64% overweight ratio according to State statistics. Bottom line, nutrition does matter. Taking small steps in your diet can amount to big changes later, and help transitioning to healthier eating habits become alot easier. Below are eating tips that you can slowly implement into your daily lifestyle to help you achieve your goals.


Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.
Eat lots of lean chicken, fish, turkey, and lean beef.

Eat 5-6 small meals a day, drink an average of 8 glasses of water a day.
Try not to eat within 2 hrs of sleep.
Eat plenty of complex carbs(oatmeal, sweet potatoes, lentils).
Use low fat/sugar sauces for flavoring (mustard, salsa,balsamic vinagarette).

Stay away from fast foods.
Stay away from greasy fried foods.
Eliminate sodas and high sugar punches.
Drastically reduce intake of simple carbs (cake, candy, chips).
Reduce Intake of high/fat/sugar sauces (mayo, ketchup, tarter sauce,ranch).

Regardless of goals, clean eating is imperative to a successful program. Treat yourself to a cheat meal once a week for sanity purposes, but understand great nutrition habits coupled 
with gret exercise habit is the key to results.

"Difficult does not have to be impossible" GET ON IT!!


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